EDP – Energias de Portugal

Company Details


Market CAP



Company profile

EDP is a vertically integrated utility company, which aims at offering both attractive returns to its shareholders and visible growth opportunities, on the back of the maintenance of a low risk profile and a balanced combination of growth and deleverage. EDP has a geographically diversified portfolio, comprising integrated electricity and gas operations in Iberia (<60% of EBITDA); electricity generation and distribution operations in Brazil, through its 51% owned listed subsidiary EDP Brasil (>15% EBITDA); and wind and solar operations in 11 different countries, developed through our 77.5%-owned listed company, EDP Renováveis. EDP group’s growth is driven mainly by wind and hydro. EDP’s portfolio comprises 24.5GW of installed capacity (including 0.6GW of equity-method consolidated projects) and a portfolio of over 10m clients supplied.